3rd International Conference on Remanufacturing (ICoR-17)
3rd International Conference on Remanufacturing (ICoR-17)
24-26 October 2017 in Linköping, Sweden
Linköping University will together with University of Strathclyde host the 3rd International Conference on remanufacturing (ICoR).
ICoR-17 follows previous successful ICoR conferences that were held in Glasgow 2011 and in Amsterdam 2015. This conference targets international participants from academia and industry to meet and learn more about the latest research and industrial trends within remanufacturing.
Conference topics
The ICOR-17 conference has a remanufacturing focus and can deals with many topics related to remanufacturing e.g. business models, economic aspects, ICT, industrial marketing, innovation, legal aspects, organisational issues, process design, education and training, B2B, B2C, quality management, sustainability, resource efficiency, design for remanufacturing, core acquisition, reverse logistics, digitalization, information management, and lean remanufacturing.
Industrial visits
Industrial visits to remanufacturing companies will be performed during the conference to local remanufacturing companies. Visits are planned to Toyota Material Handling (forklifts) and Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (gas turbines).
Journal of Remanufacturing
Selected ICOR-17 papers with good quality will be invited to be further improved and
published within the journal of remanufacturing.
Important dates
Abstract submission March 31
Notification of acceptance April 15
Full paper submission May 15
Notification of acceptance June 15
Camera-ready paper submission August 15
Registration deadline September 15
Send your abstract(s) of 400-500 words with authors including affiliations in plain
text to icor17@iei.liu.se
Conference information will be updated at: www.remanufacturing-conference.com
Dr. Erik Sundin
Associate professor
Department of Management and Engineering
Linköping University
Tel: +46-13-286601
E-mail: erik.sundin@liu.se