SIR Conference 2017
7th March 2017 @ 1200
Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RD
An opportunity to meet with industry and academic professionals from across the SIR network and hear about the impact of remanufacturing on business operations & productivity.
We’re delighted to announce our keynote speaker is Isla Rowntree from Islabikes who will be sharing the story behind the Imagine Project.
We will also be joined by industry partners from Sims Recycling Solutions and Zeronet who will showcase the impact remanufacturing has had in their business.
A variety of workshops providing a platform to discuss Industry 4.0, technology needs in remanufacturing and additive manufacturing techniques are also scheduled.
The conference will close with a networking drinks reception.
Register now for your FREE ticket
1200 – Registration and Coffee
1230 – Introduction: Jerome Finlayson, SMAS & Chair of SIR Steering Board
1235 – Keynote Address: “Imagine Project” – Bike leasing and the circular economy, Isla Rowntree, Islabikes
1305 – SIR overview: Dr Jacqueline Balfour, Scottish Institute for Remanufacture
1315 – Lunch and Networking
1400 – Workshops (Select 2 workshops from 3)
- Additive Manufacturing: Technologies & Techniques, Paul Xirouchakis, University of Strathclyde
Introducing some of the industrial research work performed at the University of Strathclyde in collaboration with the High Value Catapult Center AFRC and Scottish industry around the topic of Additive Manufacturing (AM) for Remanufacturing high value products. The research work is funded by the Scottish Institute of Remanufacturing (SIR). The output of two projects is presented: (i) the first one refers to the use of AM technologies to remanufacture Oil & Gas equipment and (ii) the second one to remanufacture dies & molds. The presentations will be followed by a discussion and feedback from the audience.
- Industry 4.0: Automated disassembly & inspection for manufacturing and remanufacturing, Muftooh Siddiqi, University of Strathclyde
Workshop Summary to follow
- Future manufacturing technology needs in the circular economy, Lynn Wilson, Zero Waste Scotland
Workshop Summary to follow
1545 – Refreshment break
1615 – SIR Industry Examples
- ‘Introducing the ZeroNet: Bridging the gap between the Circular Economy and Remanufacturing’ Paul McSweeney, Zeronet
ZeroNet Services is an Irish based logistics technology specialist in the process of launching a domestic reverse/collection logistics platform. The ZeroNet platform (to be based on a consumer app) will facilitate a wide variety of domestic take back options such as WEEE, packaging, textiles and we are also planning to facilitate Circular Economy Business Models (CEBMs) in partnership with several major brands. The platform will also permit a very convenient and low cost method to recover branded post-consumer products for higher value services such as refurbishment, remanufacture and component harvesting.
- Circular Economy and the Evolution of Global Asset Management, Anand Narasimhan, SIMS Recycling Solutions
Presentation Summary to follow