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European Remanufacturing Network – Successful event

In September, 58 industry professionals, academic experts and public sector employees from across Europe joined forces for a unique collaborative workshop focussed on Remanufacturing in Europe.

Co-hosted by the Scottish Institute for Remanufacture (SIR) and the European Remanufacturing Network (ERN) at Strathclyde University, the workshop provided a platform to share knowledge and best practice in remanufacturing processes across various sectors.

A keynote address was delivered by Iain Gulland, Chief Executive Officer of Zero Waste Scotland, highlighting how far Scotland has come in the move towards a circular economy emphasising the important role of remanufacturing as part of the Scottish Government’s circular economy strategy, Making Things Last.

Delegates from Linköping University, Fraunhofer, Grenoble INP and Oakdene Hollins shared their research findings in remanufacturing across business models, best practice and design followed by a question and answer session with the audience.

Industry representatives from Weir Group Ltd, PSS – Steering and Hydraulics Division and Stone Group showcased the benefits of remanufacturing for both OEMs and customers across automotive, IT and engineering solutions and discussed the practical application of remanufacturing in their businesses.

The workshop also facilitated knowledge exchange across sectors with an afternoon of interactive sessions.  The Remanufacturing Group from Strathclyde University hosted a workshop on disassembly & automation, VTT from Finland led a discussion on the future of the European Remanufacturing Network, SIR & BSI led a standards and certification workshop and participants were invited to a  tour of the University of Strathclyde’s state-of-the-art Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering.

Closing the successful workshop, Jacqueline Balfour, Business Development Manager for SIR gave the audience an overview of remanufacturing in Scotland and the support SIR provides by co-funding research projects for industry challenges.

Throughout the day and during the evening reception, delegates made the most of the ample opportunities to network, connect with similar businesses and discuss potential collaborative projects to further improve remanufacturing operations.

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