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Formed in the UK2
Building on the success of the 13th International Cold Forming Congress in September, the next forming event will be held at the AFRC in December:
Formed in the UK2
Wednesday 2 December 2015: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Following on from Formed in the UK 2013, FitUK2 will provide an update on the status of research activities and industrial challenges associated with metal forming across the UK.
The one day technical seminar will feature invited presentations from major OEMs and leading academic institutes in the Automotive, Oil & Gas, Aerospace and Defence sectors.
The event is aimed at:
- Researchers and engineers from academia and industry who work in a Metal-Forming related field
- Group leaders from OEMs who have Metal-Forming activities in their organisation
- Technical Directors and Senior Engineers from T1 and T2 Metal-Forming suppliers
- Scientists, Materials and Mechanical Engineers who have an interest in Metallurgy or Forming processes
- Decision makers and advisors to major R&D funding bodies
Further details, confirmed agenda and registration information is available here.