Zero Waste Scotland Remanufacturing Skills Workshop
Zero Waste Scotland will be running a workshop at the Scottish Institute for Remanufacture on 1st February, 2016.
The workshop aims to bring together key stakeholders, providing an opportunity for participants to feedback on interim findings and offer input on training gaps and potential interventions needed for the growing remanufacturing sector in Scotland. The feedback and input will be incorporated in ongoing work to better characterise training requirements to support the growth of Scottish remanufacturing. The event will be facilitated by the Centre for Remanufacturing & Reuse.
The workshop will take place at the Scottish Institute for Remanufacture hosted by the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, on 1st February 2016.
Time: 1pm – 4.30pm
Event venue: Room JW603, James Weir building, University of Strathclyde
The event is free to attend, however places are limited so please click here to register your attendance.
Refreshments will be provided
If you require further information, please email