Supply Chain Sustainability
Could your business benefit from participating in a project focusing on supply chain sustainability?
Participation in the project will provide your organisation with an assessment of the internal environmental performance providing opportunities to drive operational improvements and benchmark efficiency & environmental targets. It will also gather information on the environmental performance of your suppliers and supply chain, supporting the identification of hotspots, focused improvement of the environmental performance, external reporting and green supplier selection & evaluation.
The project will apply a quantitative model to measure the environmental performance of your extended supply chain (beyond direct suppliers) based on an eco-intensity index, allowing environmental impact and economic benefit to be related.
Having already evaluated the model in a food and a manufacturing supply chain, the research team are currently looking for additional companies to apply the model for validation purposes and to demonstrate its applicability in operating supply chain contexts.
Please get in touch if your company is interested in improving sustainability performance and could benefit from adopting the model as part of your operations and performance measurement systems.
No financial contribution is required to participate in this project.
Please contact
Andrea Tuni
Dept. of Design Manufacture and Engineering Management
University of Strathclyde